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Super Diamond Escape
This game is created with motive Competition and Leaderboard Integration. The player has to navigate a ball through a parkour with a dash available every third bounce. I am happy with the result and gameplay from this fast-paced and difficult game. It was fun to see many entries in the leaderboard and the top score gradually improving.
This game is created with motive Connection. I created a unique puzzle game revolving around keeping a ball in the playing field while drawing lines. While the tutorial was lacking, the game itself has a very balanced gameplay and design that I am pleased with. The game features a campaign of 10 levels as well as a random generated arcade mode.
From Factory To Freedom
This game is created with motive Family Christmas. I designed this platformer for family for Christmas. It had to be a very easy game with simple controls. It features a small bird navigating five level with a time-limited flight ability. This created interesting design opportunities. I am very pleased with the gameplay concept and plan to extend this game in the future.
Sky Dice
This game is created with motive Roll of the dice. It features a dice that can take as many steps as indicated on the top face of the die. While the execution of the game was good, the puzzles we’re severely lacking and imbalanced. A great learning opportunity that introduced me to the challenges of game design.
Sunken Sword
This game is created with motive Depths. Set in the ocean, a swordsman has to fend of waves of enemies. The player can dash the character in four directions and press X to perform an attack. The attack will target the nearest enemy based on a priority system. This was a very interesting design concept that allowed for fast-paced gameplay.
A real-time curved infinity-mirror box simulator. It leverages compute shaders and ray tracing to simulate the interior of a mirror-lined polygon on polyhedron (3D). My paper discusses the pattern that arises from these objects. The 3D renderer has a dynamic resolution to adapt to performance changes. Many sliders, buttons and color pickers are available inside the program. I am very pleased with the result.
Raylib GPU Particles
This project gives a bare-bones minimal and highly instructive example on how to create a computer-shader particle system using the Raylib graphics engine. The project is intended as a learning resource and so contains many comments that explain key technical details. For me it was a study into the combination of compute shaders, vertex shader and buffers. The result is this colorful and interactive little program.
Maze Runner
This is a tool for a maze exploration game. I have learned much about the development with C++ and ImGUI. The tool is fully functional with export feature to JSON and can easily be imported to game engines. The maze can be drawn on an infinite canvas and tags can be placed at individual cells.
Waves of New Results
A collaborative mathematics project that models the bending of large windturbines when subject to forces from the sea and earthquakes. I wrote a visualiser tool in python that plays an animation of the windturbine’s state over time and was responsible for the mathematical solving and implementation of the model. This project used Euler-Bernoully beam theory from partial differential equations and highlights my strength in applied problems in mathematics.